[.BOX] cambia conchiglia e si sposta nel quartiere Niguarda in un nuovo spazio insieme a Visualcontainer e diventa un polo di ricerca e diffusione sulla videoarte con incontri, mostre e workshop.
Visualcontainer + [.BOX] Videoart Project Space = VISUALCONTAINER[.BOX]
Vi invitiamo con piacere a prendere parte a questo nuovo inizio e a festeggiare insieme.
Dal 21 Marzo al 5 Aprile 2024
Artisti: Matteo Campulla – Silvia De Gennaro – Enzo Cillo – DEHORS/AUDELA (Salvatore Insana, Elisa Turco Liveri) – Carlo Galbiati – Massimiliano Marianni – Anouk Chambaz – Emma Scarafiotti – Sara Bonaventura – Gianni Barelli – Mariangela Bombardieri – Duccio Ricciardelli/Marco Bartolini.
Apertura mostre: mercoledì – giovedì – venerdì dalle 18 -20.30
La selezione curatoriale mostra la complessità della rappresentazione del corpo e dell’umano attraverso le riflessioni di dodici artisti che indagano con linguaggi eterogenei il rapporto tra corpo fisico e simulacro digitale, tra ri-mediazione della visione e suggestioni visive che arrivano fino al dato reale, crudo e attuale.
I molteplici temi trattati svelano sia l’ossessione dei meta-corpi per il mondo virtuale e sia l’ansia dei corpi e del sé di adattarsi al reale e la necessità di dispiegarsi in altre forme per rivendicare il proprio status. Se i corpi virtuali abitano lo spazio digitale e si connettono ad una visione di mondo altro, dove il pensiero diventa un flusso di frequenze che decostruiscono lo spazio e il tempo in una rassicurante sospensione, i corpi di carne ed ossa devono difendersi e lottare per la propria esistenza e visibilità, e hanno bisogno di confrontarsi con i limiti e le convenzioni sociali, immaginando talvolta di cambiare pelle o di convivere e attuare strategie per autoaffermarsi.
All’interno di un loop introspettivo e visivo, lo spettatore è invitato a riflettere sui corpi visibili e invisibili, e infine, a lasciarsi coinvolgere in un noto esercizio psicologico proiettivo.
Matteo Campulla – AN ETERNAL IDLENESS, 3:10, 2023
Silvia De Gennaro – Gaia – Uni(co)verso, 03:35, 2023
Enzo Cillo – Destruction of the Field, 5 :00, 2023
DEHORS/AUDELA (Salvatore Insana, Elisa Turco Liveri) – RED, 5:00, 2023
Carlo Galbiati – Le mot couleur, 1:00, 2023
Massimiliano Marianni – In between, 4:20, 2023
Anouk Chambaz – Mon rire est cascade, 2:40, 2023
Emma Scarafiotti – Nettuno: Birth of a Shell, 7:00, 2023
Sara Bonaventura – Practicing Defence, 15:00, 2023
Gianni Barelli – La zattera della Medusa 3:14, 2023
Mariangela Bombardieri – Data, 30:00 (estratto 10:00), 2023
Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini – The Rorschach programme – number 1, 4:00, 2023
PANORAMICA*23 è un progetto a cura di Alessandra Arnò, dedicato alla ricerca e alla valorizzazione della videoarte in Italia, attraverso la raccolta su call nazionale delle più originali e significative opere di videoarte realizzate nel 2023. La selezione intende indagare la produzione del territorio e restituire uno sguardo attuale sulle ricerche in corso e condividerlo con il pubblico attraverso mostre e screenings nel circuito nazionale ed internazionale e come risultato della ricerca videografica italiana.
17 MARCH 2024
Noon – 7pm
Casa Degli Artisti
Corso Garibaldi 89/A,
Milan, Italy
Presentation of the CERCA reader publication, the outcome of the CERCA programme, which represented Italy at the IV BienalSur – International Biennial of Contemporary Art from the South / Buenos Aires (2023)
In a logic of collaborations with networks connected to international critical agendas, on March at Casa degli Artisti / Milan: SoutHeritage Foundation for contemporary art, Carico Massimo, Centro Itard Lombardia, Programma a>Monte, StudioAmatoriale, Firmamento Collettivo, Nadir Daily, Scafandra and Visualcontainer, in collaboration with Koinotes – the Germinative Community, presents: “CERCA reader”, the publication of the CERCA program produced and created in the framework of the IV BIENALSUR – International Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South / Buenos Aires (2023 ).
Starting from the format of the biennial is decentralized, democratic, horizontal and humanistic, which embraces the problems of the contemporary world, simultaneously connecting artistic spaces, artists, audiences and communities from all continents to explore alternative dynamics for art and culture and search for new logics of creative and social circulation, the “CERCA reader” editorial project collects documents, images, texts and reflections, articulated in a modular and modular publication that tells the story of the creation of relationships between communities, places, artistic and cultural organizations.
In this context, the *CERCA program, an ecosystem in the form of a laboratory that some entities scattered across the Italian national territory have decided to implement to generate new “common” visions both in terms of research and languages and in terms of cultural productions, has adopted collaboration as a device for investigating and reflecting on the liminality of languages and forms of artistic practices.
The presentation will see the participation of Benedetta Casini (BIENALSUR), Angelo Bianco Chiaromonte (SoutHeritage Foundation), Susanna Ravelli, Fosco Lucini and Tito Almasio (Centro Itard Lombardia), Ferdinando Mazzitelli (a>Monte program), Alessandra Poggianti, Juan Pablo Macias with Fabrizio Basso (Carico Massimo), Angelo Castucci and Francesco Tola (StudioAmatoriale), Alessandra Arno and Paolo Simoni (Visualcontainer), Luca D’Arrigo, Carmelo Crisafulli, Adele Di Bella, Giulia Trivero and Martina Tinnirello (Firmamento Collettivo), Francesca Basso, Marina Martino, Margherita Mascaro (Scafandra), Chiara Belardi, Alberto Groja (Nadir Daily); is part of the Public Program Filoi e Dialogoi of the Koinotes residence—the germinative community.
BIENALSUR IV ed. – SoutHeritage Foundation – Carico Massimo – Centro Itard Lombardia Upstream Program – StudioAmatoriale – Nadir Daily – Scafandra – Firmamento Collettivo – Visualcontainer
PANORAMICA*23 // Bodies matter
An overlook at the production of Italian video art in 2023
Curated by Alessandra Arnò – Visualcontainer
March 13, 2024
from 7 pm to 10 pm
at SuperOtium
via Santa Teresa degli Scalzi 8, Naples
In the evening dedicated to the video art Mumasha (a dance) organized by VVV-R at the SuperOtium space, we were invited as a guest project together with L’Arsenale di Napoli to share visions and conversations on the occasion of VVV-R’s ten years of activity.
Mumasha, a Hunger, an Endless Flow curated by VVV-R
with Nancy Violet Down, Chanda Mwamba, William Sipling and Prajvi Mandhani
Bodies Matter curated by Alessandra Arnò
with: Matteo Campulla, Silvia De Gennaro, Enzo Cillo, DEHORS/AUDELA, Carlo Galbiati, Massimiliano Marianni, Anouk Chambaz, Emma Scarafiotti, Sara Bonaventura, Gianni Barelli, Mariangela Bombardieri, Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini.
Music – Piero Chiariello, curated by Arsenale of Naples by Marco Izzolino
PANORAMICA*23 is the collection by the national call of the most original and significant video artworks created in 2023. The selection intends to investigate the production of the territory and provide a current look at ongoing research, sharing it with the public through exhibitions and screenings on the national and international circuit and as a result of Italian videographic research.
The curator’s selection shows the complexity of the representation of the body and the human through the reflections of twelve artists who investigate with heterogeneous languages the relationship between the physical body and the digital simulacrum, between re-mediation of vision and visual suggestions that reach the actual data, raw and current.
The multiple themes revealed meta-bodies’ obsession with the virtual world, the anxiety of bodies and the self to adapt to reality, and the need to unfold in other forms to claim one’s status. Suppose virtual bodies inhabit digital space and connect to a vision of another world, where thought becomes a flow of frequencies that deconstruct space and time in a reassuring suspension. In that case, bodies of flesh and blood must defend themselves and fight for their existence and visibility. They must deal with social limits and conventions, sometimes imagining changing their skin or living together and implementing strategies to assert themselves.
Within an introspective and visual loop, the viewer is invited to reflect on visible and invisible bodies and, finally, to engage in a well-known projective psychological exercise.
Matteo Campulla – AN ETERNAL IDLENESS, 3:10, 2023
Silvia De Gennaro – Gaia – Uni(co)verso, 03:35, 2023
Enzo Cillo – Destruction of the Field, 5:00, 2023
DEHORS/AUDELA (Salvatore Insana, Elisa Turco Liveri) – RED, 5:00, 2023
Carlo Galbiati – Le mot couleur, 1:00, 2023
Massimiliano Marianni (1979) – In between, 4:20, 2023
Anouk Chambaz – Mon rire est cascade, 2:40, 2023
Emma Scarafiotti – Nettuno: Birth of a Shell, 7:00, 2023
Sara Bonaventura – Practicing Defense, 3:00 pm, 2023
Gianni Barelli – The Raft of the Medusa 3:14, 2023
Mariangela Bombardieri – Date, 30:00 (excerpt 10:00), 2023
Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini – The Rorschach program – number 1, 4:00, 2023
SuperOtium is an art residency space focused on contemporary cultures that combines hospitality activity with a program of residencies for artists, writers, designers and curators, meetings, events, and exhibitions to stimulate meetings and exchanges between inhabitants and travellers and promote a new narrative of the city of Naples.
DONA IL 5 x 1000
Via Volturno 35
20124, Milan – Italy