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contemporary characters in videoart research
Videoart Screening curated by VISUALCONTAINER
L’Œil d’Oodaaq International Videoart Festival , Rennes (FRANCE)
18 may 2012 – H 21
Videoart has since the beginning been a preferred medium to slip in between the spaces of our living and shoot both the most common and hidden identities of our trails in real-time. Through the electronic eye, the appearance and the most intimate details of humanity have been plunged, caught in their moments of sociability and different aggregation, as well as belonging to a single individual. Often bringing the “different”, the “marginalized” , the “other” ones to light.
It therefore seems now more than ever essential to face back to our identities, in this world where we all seem connected, both electronically and physically, but that probably leaves many open spaces of solitude, indifference, darkness. What then the possible characterizations of our living together as global or specific multitudes nowadays? What the the presence and appearance of those whom we don’t see or want to see instead, who stay hidden or banished in solitude?
Once again, the questions are urgent and vital and the responses of videoart are very sharp and precise in returning us the image of ourselves.
Giorgio Fedeli
Artists presented: Albert Merino, Alessandra Arnò, Barbara Brugola, Cristobal Catalan, Iginio De Luca, Global Groove, Maria Korporal, Matteo Pasin, Lino Strangis, Luca Christian Mander, Christian Niccoli, Mauro Folci
L’Œil d’Oodaaqs crew of explorers is coming back to Rennes in May in order to share their discoveries with the public!
The second Oodaaq festival of poetic images is being held from 10 to 20 May in different places in the city-center of Rennes. There will be a total of 9 video screenings, 5 exhibitions, 4 video-windows, 2 roundtables and 1 performance night.
The festival creates an artistic itinerary which links different art forms, but also cultural institutions with popular cultural places and public space. The festival seeks to confront the different forms of images in contemporary art. The screening nights will be an opportunity to present international video art selections, curated by L’Œil d’Oodaaq, or by our partners (from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Colombia, but also Rennes), on the walls of the city center.
DONA IL 5 x 1000
Via Volturno 35
20124, Milan – Italy