Visualcontainer presenta PANORAMICA*24//DIALOGHI SOSPESI per l’inaugurazione del nuovo spazio It’s hard noise di Cremona. Per l’occasione la selezione verrà proiettata in vetrina anche in orari insoliti come “visione d’inciampo”.
It’s hard noise
Inaugurazione Domenica 9 Febbraio 2025 h. 17.00
Via Agli Scali 6/7 (Autostazione dei bus), Cremona
Dal 9 Febbraio al 9 Marzo 2025
Apre in Via degli Scali 6/7 a Cremona, con affaccio sulla piazza delle tranvie, it’s hard noise, “un luogo di transiti creativi per una casa comune”.
Ideato con l’intenzione di creare uno spazio permanente di incontro, programma di sviluppo urbano di cittadinanza e diffusore culturale, che include l’arte e le espressioni variegate delle culture contemporanee come strumenti per riqualificare l’ambiente e attivare relazioni positive e generative tra le persone.
It’s hard noise raccoglie l’esperienza educativa dedicata all’arte contemporanea del CRAC di Cremona, della progettazione culturale e di sviluppo territoriale di Centro Itard Lombardia, presso cui il programma è ospitato, e avvia questo nuovo contesto di dialogo, ricerca e produzione in rete con VISUALCONTAINER di Milano, L.A.M. Laboratorio Arte Marmellata di Orzinuovi e QU.EM quintelemento NEXTEATRO una realtà di produzione teatrale attiva in città.
Artisti selezionati: Isobel Blank, Alessandra Caccia, Matteo Campulla, Eleonora Cutini, Silvia De Gennaro, Paolo Ferrari/C999, Eleonora Roaro, Duccio Ricciardelli e Marco Bartolini, Giulia Savorani.
L.A.M. Laboratorio Marmellata. Due installazioni. Il laboratorio è attualmente formato da: Piero Almeoni, Rubens Almeoni, Ivan Belotti, Nicolò Balardi, Marilì Bertelé, Alessandra Buffo, Kenza Etaiffi, Dino Ferruzzi, Oreste Fossati, Zeudi Frangiotti, Giuliana Giuliani, Matilde Giuliani, Rita Giuliani, Lara Gloriotti, Laura Migliorati, Sergio Magli, Giovanni Martinelli, Pierangela Mondoni, Letizia Nulli, Oscar Ottonelli, Rosita Odolini, Matilde Pasolini, Sem Quadrelli, Grazia Quadrelli Scanzi, Silvia Trappa, Tomaso Tommasoni, Paolo Viviani, Marcello Zahami, Claudio Zuccotti,
Mariuccia Zuccotti.
QU.EM. quintelemento NEXTEATRO, foto, video e materiali di scena
Evento dal 9 Febbraio al 9 Marzo 2025
Lo spazio è aperto ogni lunedì, mercoledì e venerdì dalle 16 alle 18.00 e su appuntamento prenotando via email
a o tel 0372 1664255 | 347 7798839
7th of June 6 – 8 – pm
BEAF/ Boscombe Art Depot
The Old School House, Gladstone Rd East, Boscombe, Bournemouth
The curator’s selection shows the complexity of the representation of the body and the human through the reflections of twelve artists who investigate with heterogeneous languages the relationship between the physical body and the digital simulacrum, between re-mediation of vision and visual suggestions that reach the real data, raw and current.
The multiple themes covered reveal both the obsession of meta-bodies for the virtual world and the anxiety of bodies and the self to adapt to reality and the need to unfold in other forms to claim one’s status. If virtual bodies inhabit digital space and connect to a vision of another world, where thought becomes a flow of frequencies that deconstruct space and time in a reassuring suspension, bodies of flesh and blood must defend themselves and fight for their existence and visibility, and they need to deal with social limits and conventions, sometimes imagining changing their skin or living together and implementing strategies to assert themselves.
Within an introspective and visual loop, the viewer is invited to reflect on visible and invisible bodies, and finally, to get involved in a well-known projective psychological exercise.
Alessandra Arnò
Matteo Campulla – AN ETERNAL IDLENESS, 3:10, 2023
Silvia De Gennaro – Gaia – Uni(co)verso, 03:35, 2023
Enzo Cillo – Destruction of the Field, 5 :00, 2023
DEHORS/AUDELA (Salvatore Insana, Elisa Turco Liveri) – RED, 5:00, 2023
Carlo Galbiati – Le mot couleur, 1:00, 2023
Massimiliano Marianni (1979) – In between, 4:20, 2023
Anouk Chambaz – Mon rire est cascade, 2:40, 2023
Emma Scarafiotti – Nettuno: Birth of a Shell, 7:00, 2023
Sara Bonaventura – Practicing Defence, 15:00, 2023
Gianni Barelli – La zattera della Medusa 3:14, 2023
Mariangela Bombardieri – Data, 30:00 (estratto 10:00), 2023
Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini – The Rorschach programme – number 1, 4:00, 2023
LA STANZA DI COMPENSAZIONE: art, books and foosball…
Presentation of books and artist projects, performances, reading/poetry/sound/visual, spaces for conversation, meeting, study and tasting.
24 25 26 May 2024, 10.00 am 10.00 pm non-stop
STUDIO O2, Via Mantova 33/b, Cremona
Opening: May 24th at 10.00 am – OPENING at 6.00 pm
Concept: Dino Ferruzzi and Susanna Ravelli
In collaboration with Paola Rago, Matteo Boccacci and Andrea Maffi of STUDIO O2, Cremona, VISUALCONTAINER, Milan, BRAC Bookshop, Florence, CIRCOLO ARCIPELAGO, Cremona.
Alongside the Cremona art week, the clearinghouse offers a space of hospitality and pleasant conviviality to artists, curators, and friends who intend to visit the city or simply meet up.
The clearinghouse exists only with the contribution of those who participate to make it a place of all, open and singular.
This place which opens in Cremona from 24 to 26 May in the STUDIO O2 Via Mantova 33/b, on the outskirts of the historic centre, intends to allow itself some time for “decompression”, dialogue and shared reflection, outside the exhibition circuit.
The video art curatorial project PANORAMICA*23 // BODIES MATTER, curated by Alessandra Arnò of VISUALCONTAINER, will be displayed during the three opening days.
Artist: Matteo Campulla, Silvia De Gennaro, Enzo Cillo, DEHORS/AUDELA, Carlo Galbiati, Massimiliano Marianni, Anouk Chambaz, Emma Scarafiotti, Sara Bonaventura, Gianni Barelli, Mariangela Bombardieri, Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini.
PANORAMICA*23 is the collection by the national call of the most original and significant video artworks created in 2023. The selection intends to investigate the production of the territory and provide a current look at ongoing research, sharing it with the public through exhibitions and screenings on the national and international circuit and as a result of Italian videographic research.
The curator’s selection shows the complexity of the representation of the body and the human through the reflections of twelve artists who investigate with heterogeneous languages the relationship between the physical body and the digital simulacrum, between re-mediation of vision and visual suggestions that reach the actual data, raw and current.
The multiple themes revealed meta-bodies’ obsession with the virtual world, the anxiety of bodies and the self to adapt to reality, and the need to unfold in other forms to claim one’s status. Suppose virtual bodies inhabit digital space and connect to a vision of another world, where thought becomes a flow of frequencies that deconstruct space and time in a reassuring suspension. In that case, bodies of flesh and blood must defend themselves and fight for their existence and visibility. They must deal with social limits and conventions, sometimes imagining changing their skin or living together and implementing strategies to assert themselves.
Within an introspective and visual loop, the viewer is invited to reflect on visible and invisible bodies and, finally, to engage in a well-known projective psychological exercise.
Matteo Campulla – AN ETERNAL IDLENESS, 3:10, 2023
Silvia De Gennaro – Gaia – Uni(co)verso, 03:35, 2023
Enzo Cillo – Destruction of the Field, 5:00, 2023
DEHORS/AUDELA (Salvatore Insana, Elisa Turco Liveri) – RED, 5:00, 2023
Carlo Galbiati – Le mot couleur, 1:00, 2023
Massimiliano Marianni (1979) – In between, 4:20, 2023
Anouk Chambaz – Mon rire est cascade, 2:40, 2023
Emma Scarafiotti – Nettuno: Birth of a Shell, 7:00, 2023
Sara Bonaventura – Practicing Defense, 3:00 pm, 2023
Gianni Barelli – The Raft of the Medusa 3:14, 2023
Mariangela Bombardieri – Date, 30:00 (excerpt 10:00), 2023
Duccio Ricciardelli – Marco Bartolini – The Rorschach program – number 1, 4:00, 2023
CS La stanza di Compensazione
DONA IL 5 x 1000
Via Volturno 35
20124, Milan – Italy